Digital Photography & imaging [PROJECT 4: Self-Titled ]

11.16.2023 - 11.08.2023 / Week 9 - Week 14

Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Digital Photography & Imaging 

Project 4



Cinemagraph - Self-Titled

Self-titled is an exploration project for the students to express their own individuality and reflect their personality in digital art self-expression. The main idea is to build up self-confidence and discover their interest. Photographers were already exploring that way of showing photos

with animation, but their body of work attracted attention and got people doing their cinemagraphs. Suddenly it was trendy to have animated GIFs again. However, those modern examples were not based on clipart from the early days of the Web, but really photographs with an area showing minor and repeated movement.

Figure 1.1 Week 9 (11/16/2023) Module Information.

Duration: 15 seconds
Output: .MOV or .MP4 less than 20MB
Size: 1080 x 1920 px (I.G reel/ story size)
Idea Development: 5 marks (WEEK 10)
Design Direction: 5 marks (WEEK 11)
Execution and Post Production: 10 marks (WEEK 12)
Animation & Finishing: 10 marks (WEEK 13)
Submission: WEEK 14

1.1   Progress

Part 1: WEEK 9

1. Idea Development
  • Biography
My name is Sheryne, I’m 18 years old, and I’m from Indonesia. I like to read (I’m a slow reader), listen to music, and watch underground movies.

Paragraph 1
I started drawing when I was 5 years old, I've always loved cartoons and every aspect of making a cartoon. Gradually, as I grew up I started to think about what I wanted to do with my career and the purpose of my life, the only thing I found myself good or happy about was art.

Paragraph 2
When I was 15, I started to get into music and painting, I realized then, that art is extensive, and yet we live a short life to not able to learn and appreciate every form of art. I started to get a liking for photography, taking pictures with composition, and appreciating the little things in the pictures that I shot. Then I started to get into literature and films, I have a dream of widening my knowledge about the beauty of art and other media.

 I grew up with art and my passion for it.

  • Statement about my work.
Based on my summary I want to create something quite personal and close to me that shaped me into who I am now.

Paragraph 1
I have an idea of how to recreate the idea of my work, begin by making myself the subject holding an umbrella as the central figure. Then think about the objects that have played a crucial role in shaping who I am then place the objects around the central figure (me) as if they were raindrops falling around me. 
Paragraph 2
Lastly, I use my font that complements the overall design. The title would be "Raining Who I Am." a different take from the words ‘‘Shaping Who I Am”  I want to convey the idea of "Raining Who I Am" in a metaphorical sense, using raindrops to represent different aspects or influences in my life.

Visually represent the various elements that have contributed to shaping my identity in a unique and meaningful way. In this case, I use rain as a metaphor.

  • Moodboard
Figure 1.2 Week 9 (11/16/2023) Moodboard poster.

Part 2: WEEK 10 - WEEK 11

2. Design Direction

  • Sketches
Figure 1.3 Week 10 (11/23/2023) Sketch progress #1.
Figure 1.4 Week 10 (11/23/2023) Sketch progress #2.
  • Digital poster progress
Figure 1.5 Week 11 (11/30/2023) Digital Progress #1.
Figure 1.6 Week 11 (11/30/2023) Digital Progress #2.
Figure 1.7 Week 11 (11/30/2023) Digital Progress #3.
Figure 1.8 Week 11 (11/23/2023) Digital Progress #4.
Figure 1.9 Week 11 (11/30/2023) Axel regular typeface.
This is the typeface that I made for my task in Typography, it is the typeface that I will use for my poster.
Figure 1.10 Week 11 (11/30/2023) Digital Progress #5.
Figure 1.11 Week 11 (11/30/2023) Digital Progress #6.
For the audio I tried to search for rain sounds that also have soft thunder in them on youtube, after a bit of scrolling I found it, the sound of the rain is perfect, not too harsh and fast, and the thunder sounds calm too.
Figure 1.12 Week 11 (11/30/2023) Rain sounds audio.
Figure 1.13 Week 11 (11/30/2023) Digital Progress #7.

Part 3: WEEK 12 - Part 4: WEEK 14

1.2 Final Result

  • Poster
Title: Raining Who I Am
Figure 1.14 Week 14 (12/08/2023) Final Outcome (Jpeg).

Figure 1.15 Week 14 (12/08/2023) Final Outcome (Pdf).

  • Animation
Figure 1.16 Week 14 (12/08/2023) Final Outcome (Animation).

2.1 Artist Statement

Since this project mainly focuses on expressing and exploring ourselves in digital media, I reflected on the things that have made me become a person now, and the things that I like. As a student who is now majoring in creative media, I need to explore the design world and understand what I'm capable of to create something, for example, this quite personal project. 

  • Visual idea: I use the metaphor for rain to convey the world that I build around me.
  • Color palette: Since the theme is about rain I focus on using the color blue as the main color, and filter.
  • Animation: The movement of the objects that are used for 'raindrops' needs to be fast, and able to create a loop.



The most difficult thing in this project was how I was able to reconstruct the idea of my identity into a poster, I actually learned something new about myself when doing this project, I learned dependently how to use digital software (Adobe Illustration, Photoshop, and After Effects). 
Making a poster that explores and expresses my sense of self can be a developing experience. focusing on self-identity creates originality and helps to produce work that is sincere because it is based on my viewpoint and experience.


Before starting to actually create the work, I learned how important it is to start a project with sketches and mood boards. Mood boards act as a visual reference and guide to the overall vibe of my work and as a source of inspiration. Sketching allows me to visually explore different ideas, concepts, and compositions. It encourages a more dynamic and creative process by pushing experimentation for my work.


I learn how to organize and present my personal narratives in new ways. This could entail experimenting with metaphor, symbolism, or narrative techniques to express my viewpoints and experiences.


Week 11 11.30.2023
  • General Feedback, the font that we are using need to match with the overall poster.
  • Specific Feedback, the overall idea and composition works fine.

Links for every week
1. Week 1   7. Week 7
2. Week 2    8. Week 9
3. Week 3   9. Week 10
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
6. Week 6


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