Digital Photography & imaging [Week 5]

11.02.2023 / week 5 

Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Digital Photography & Imaging 
Project 1

Links for every week
1. Week 1   7. Week 7
2. Week 2    8. Week 9
3. Week 3   9. Week 10
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
6. Week 6


Week 5 11.02.2023 - Digital photography

Exposure setting⟶ in photography, exposure is the amount of light that reaches your camera sensor or film.

Figure 1.1 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Exposure setting.

The main parts of the camera: 

1. Camera body:

- Shutter
- Image sensor
- LCD screen

2. Camera lens:
- Aperture/ Iris


The camera body is a light-proof box.

Figure 1.2 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Anatomy of the camera body.

Only two camera settings affect the actual “luminous exposure” of an image: shutter speed and aperture. The third setting, camera ISO, also affects the brightness of your photos.

  1. Iris

  2. Shutter Speed

  3. ISO

Figure 1.3 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Exposure triangle.

1. Iris/Aperture, controls the flow of light entering the lens.

Figure 1.4 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Iris/Aperture.

Iris/Aperture is measured by f-stop, indicated by the sequence of f-number: f/1, f/1.4, f/2, f/ 2.8, f/ 4, f/ 5.6, f/ 8, f/ 11, f/ 16, f/22, f/32. (The lower the f-number, the larger the lens opening.)

Figure 1.5 Week 5 (11/02/2023) f-number.

2. The shutter, is a small plastic sheet that opens and closes to allow light onto the film or prevent light from reaching the film. 

Figure 1.6 Week 5 (11/02/2023) The shutter.

Shutter speed is measured in seconds: 1/1000 s,1/500 s,1/250 s,1/125 s,1/60 s,1/30 s,1/15 s,1/8 s,1/4 s,1/2 s,1 s, 2 s, 3 s.

Figure 1.7 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Shutter speed.

Figure 1.8 Week 5 (11/02/2023) The use of shutter speed.

3. ISO, originally referred to film's sensitivity, and its "light gathering" ability. For digital photography, ISO refers to the sensitivity and the signal gain of the camera's sensor.

The common ISO camera settings are: 100, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400

Figure 1.9 Week 5 (11/02/2023) ISO camera setting.

The lower the number of ISO the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain.

Figure 1.10 Week 5 (11/02/2023) The use of ISO in different settings.

  • Lens Perspective, there are wide-angle lenses, standard lenses, and telelenses.

Figure 1.11 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Types of camera lenses #1.

Different lenses are designed for different for different purposes. Lenses can be categorized by focal length. The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view, and vice-versa.

Figure 1.12 Week 5 (11/02/2023) types of camera lenses #2.

Focal length, is the measurement (in millimeters) from the optical center of a camera lens to the camera’s sensor.

Figure 1.13 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Focal length.

Depth of field, is the proportion of the image that is reasonably sharp and in focus. The smaller the aperture you use, the greater the depth of field.

Figure 1.14 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Lens aperture chart.

Wide-angle lens, is especially useful for landscape photography or street photography. With wide-angle lenses, almost everything is in focus, unless your subject is very close to the lens. Wide-angle lenses are ideal for fitting a large area into your frame. 

Figure 1.15 Week 5 (11/02/2023) wide-angle lens used in landscape photography.

Tele-lenses, allow you to photograph subjects from a distance thanks to their magnification.

Telelenses are great for isolating a subject that is far away.

Figure 1.16 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Tele-lenses used for subjects from a distance.


Follow this quick tutorial to understand how to use: 

  1. Quick Selection Tool

  2. Layer Mask

  3. Filters

  4. Color Correction

Figure 1.17 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Tutorial for Hearst mansion.


Week 5 11.02.2023 - Digital photography

Task 2: Digital Imaging Exercise 01 - Shazam.

Figure 2.1 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Placing Shazam on the background that was instructed.

Figure 2.2 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Hearst mansion #1 Shazam.

Task 2: Digital Imaging Exercise 01 - My reflection.
Instruction: Use your own photo to be inserted into 'my reflection' (your photo version) composition.

Figure 2.3 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Using the Quick Selection tool.

Figure 2.4 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Placed on the background that was instructed.

Figure 2.5 Week 5 (11/02/2023) Hearst mansion #2 my reflection.


The ability to mask a subject, adjust hues, and play with contrast has given me to selectively disclose or conceal elements within an image.

Adjusting colors in Photoshop is a crucial aspect of the editing process because it allows us to enhance and refine the visual impact of an image. Color adjustments can significantly influence the mood, tone, and overall aesthetics of a photo.

Adding shadows in editing is important for several reasons, contributing significantly to the realism, depth, and overall visual appeal of an image. Matching the lighting conditions and shadows ensures that the composited objects appear natural within the shared environment.


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