Digital Photography & imaging [Week 9]

 11.23.2023 / week 9 

Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Digital Photography & Imaging 

Project 2

Links for every week
1. Week 1   7. Week 7
2. Week 2   8. Week 9
3. Week 3   9. Week 10
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
6. Week 6


Week 9 11.23.2023 - Digital Surrealism

  • Realism Vs Surrealism

Realism ↴

Takes subject matters of the ordinary and common world which we call "reality." It almost always takes a non-exotic and non-extraordinary subject matter and theme. There is no need to think outside of the box, as that is not "real."

Figure 1.1 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Realism.

Surrealism ↴

A twist on Realism. It explores the subconscious mind, with subject matters concentrating on dream images, and often aims to distort the ordinary and what we call reality.

Figure 1.2 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Surrealism.

Surrealism defies logic. Dreams and the workings of the subconscious mind inspire surrealistic art (French for "super-realism") filled with strange images and bizarre juxtapositions.

Fueled by the teachings of Freud and the rebellious work of Dada artists, surrealists like Salvador DalΓ­ promoted free association and dream imagery. Salvador DalΓ­ was a Spanish Surrealist painter and printmaker known for exploring subconscious imagery.

Figure 1.3 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Surrealism #2.

Dadaism is an anti-war art movement with artworks that are satirical and nonsensical in nature.

Figure 1.4 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Dadaism.

Digital SurrealismSurrealism is a cultural movement focused on the type of art to express the artist’s idea. In this digital era surrealism is one of the top digital art styles.

Figure 1.5 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Digital surrealism.
  • Mindset during creation: 

1. "Does this look real?"

Surrealism is at its best when it's convincing enough that it could be real, however, we obviously know that the subject matter you are creating is nonexistent, and thus is not real.

2. Make it happen to the best of your ability.

When you try to approach something challenging, you will learn the skills you may need for next time to make it work. The worst thing you can do is be afraid and back off from your idea because you would never learn that way.

Figure 1.6 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Surrealism #3.


Week 9 11.30.2023 - Digital Surrealism

Project 2B Conceptual Product Photoshoot

Create a conceptual product photoshoot using various lighting techniques.

  1. Find an interesting subject and shoot it using suitable lighting techniques.

  2. Create a photo manipulation of the subject using Photoshop to make it interesting 

  3. Explain the concept and the process of the development.

1.1 Research

  1. Reference mood board

  2. Write a summary of your idea

  3. Sketches

1a.) Moodboard

Figure 2.1 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Moodboard.

1b.) Summary of my idea

I want to use objects that I use pretty often and are convenient to bring, the objects don’t have to be personal, after some thought here are the ideas I have come up with:

1. Headphones and tea box: I was grabbing my headphones at class when it hit me, I’ve been using these headphones for years now and always connected them to my phone or laptop, how about I connect them with something else instead? I need something rectangular that looks like my phone, thus: a tea box. 

Description: Music and tea are the perfect combination to start your morning, you can connect your tea box with your headphone to feel more energetic throughout the day.

2. Cereal box and Book: they serve different purposes, but they share the same similarities. Both are often made from paper or cardboard, and both books and cereal boxes often contain text or images that can communicate information.

Description: when you’re tired of discarding your cereal box after each serving, how about a cereal box and a book in one, furthermore the cereal box will be enjoyed and read for a longer period.

3.   Pocket Mirror and Clock: based on my mood board, I’ve always wanted a pocket mirror with a clock on the reflecting side, a pocket watch mostly contains a clock and a mirror that doesn’t work to our reflection (a fake mirror). I always bring my pocket mirror everywhere but don’t wear a watch.

Description: A pocket mirror that also can be used to see the time, not only that, with its small size it is easy to bring and not heavy.

1c.) Sketches

#1 Headphone and Teabox

Figure 2.2 Week 9 (11/30/2023) #1 Sketch.

#2 Cereal box and Book

Figure 2.3 Week 9 (11/30/2023) #2 sketch.

#3 Pocket mirror and Clock

Figure 2.4 Week 9 (11/30/2023) #3 sketch.

1d.)   Mock Up

Figure 2.5 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #1.

Figure 2.6 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #2.

Figure 2.7 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #3.

Figure 2.8 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #4.

Figure 2.9 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #5.

Figure 2.10 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #6.

Figure 2.11 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #7.

Figure 2.12 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #8.

Figure 2.13 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Progress #9.

Figure 2.14 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Outcomes.

1e.)   Final Outcome

Title: Portable Time and Mirror.

Figure 2.15 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Final Outcome.

DESCRIPTION: based on my mood board, I've always wanted a pocket mirror with a clock on the other side, a pocket watch mostly contains a clock and a mirror that doesn’t work to our reflection (a fake mirror). 

I always bring my pocket mirror everywhere but don’t wear a watch. A pocket mirror that also can be used to see the time, not only that, and its small size is easy to bring and not heavy.



Before diving into the editing process, ensure a thorough understanding of the conceptual vision behind the product photoshoot. In this case, Mr. Fauzi tasked us to make at least 3 sketches and then showed them to him for feedback, this helped guide my editing decisions and align the final images with the intended message.


Consider adjusting or enhancing the background to complement the product's concept. This could involve creating a clean and minimalist background or adding elements that enhance the narrative.


Add lighting effects to enhance the conceptual atmosphere. This may involve adding or intensifying highlights, shadows, or reflections to achieve a desired mood.

Figure 2.16 Week 9 (11/30/2023) Before 


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