Digital Photography & imaging [Week 4]

 10.26.2023 / week 4 

Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Digital Photography & Imaging 
Project 1

Links for every week
1. Week 1   7. Week 7
2. Week 2    8. Week 9
3. Week 3   9. Week 10
4. Week 4
5. Week 5
6. Week 6


Week 4 10.26.2023 - Introduction to Photoshop 3

  • Adjustment Layer, the Adjustment Layers in Photoshop are a group of super useful, non-destructive image editing tools that add color and tonal adjustments to your image without permanently changing its pixels. 

Figure 1.1 Week 4 (10/26/2023) 

Figure 1.2 Week 4 (10/26/2023)

1. Brightness / Contrast, Make adjustments to the tonal range of your image. The brightness slider is for adjusting the highlights in your image and the Contrast slider is for adjusting the shadows in your image.

Figure 1.3 Week 4 (10/26/2023)

2. Levels, modify the tonal values in an image by adjusting the levels of the shadows, mid-tones, and highlights. It’s one of the most used tools in the adjustment layer panel, and using just a touch of levels will go a long way in correcting your images.

Figure 1.4 Week 4 (10/26/2023) Levels.

3. Curves, let you adjust as many points as you want throughout the entire tonal range of your image, and is the most powerful and precise tool for editing the tones in an image. 

Figure 1.5 Week 4 (10/26/2023) Curves.

4. Exposure, lets you adjust exposure levels with three sliders: Exposure, Offset, and Gamma. Exposure will adjust only the highlights of the image, Offset adjusts the mid tones and Gamma will adjust the dark tones only.

Figure 1.6 Week 4 (10/26/2023) Exposure.

5. The Selective Color, adjustment layer selectively modifies the amount of a primary color without modifying the other primary colors in your image.
Figure 1.7 Week 4 (10/26/2023) Selective color.

Figure 1.8 Week 4 (10/26/2023) Tutorial on how to apply adjustment to single layers.

Figure 1.9 Week 4 (10/26/2023) Tutorial on how to adjust brightness in Photoshop.


Week 3 10.19.2023 - Pen Tool Exercise (best composition)


  1. Attach your best composition from the WEEK 3 digital collage exercise below.

  2. Using the same Photoshop file, improvise your WEEK 3 digital collage into WEEK 4 by using Adjustment Layers & Filters on Photoshop.

  3. Explain what you’ve learned in the description section.

Figure 2.1 Week 4 (10/26/2023) The chosen composition.

Description: A burning building, I use the red texture image as the fire, I tried to achieve something simple with only a few objects that were used, there are only 4 pictures that were used in this collage.

Week 4 10.26.2023 - Adjustment Layers and Filters

Figure 2.2 Week 4 (10/26/2023) After adjustment.

Description: I changed the size and dragged some of the objects to make it more composed, like the placement for the fire and the smoke, I also added a little contrast to show the texture of the fire.


Specific feedback, Mr Fauzi said it's better not to change a lot with the color adjustment/filter (vibrance and contrast) for my final submission. Because for my final artwork, it is best as it is I changed the size and dragged some of the objects to make it more composed, like the placement for the fire and the smoke, I also added a little contrast to show the texture of the fire.


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