Advanced Interactive Design [ Final Compilation ]

24.09.2024 - 29.12.2024  / week 1 - week 14

Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Advanced Interactive Design

 Final Compilation 

1. Instructions
    - Task 1
    - Task 2
    - Final Project
2. Reflection



Figure 2.1 Week 1 (24/09/2024) Module Information Booklet.

Task 1 _Thematic Interactive Website Proposal

A thematic interactive website is a website that focuses on a specific theme or concept with the aim of incorporating interactive elements to interact with users. Most such websites utilize multimedia such as videos, animations, interactive graphics displayed on the page, or other clickable elements which have interactive components that provoke the user. 

Students are required to create a thematic interactive website proposal with the topic of their choice that can be based on:

1.     A specific product of a particular brand launch/special (i.e.: Nike brand new shoe), Beauty product launch (i.e.: Sephora compact powder,
2.     Movie promotion
3.     Game release promotion.
4.     Gallery/Museum exhibit launch
5.     Band/Artist latest release.


Figure 1.2 Week 4 (15/10/2024) Final proposal ppt.

Task 2 _Interaction Design Planning and Prototype

Students are required to work on their visual design and start planning their website’s interactive design elements and features. Unlike traditional static website, when it comes to interactive design where animations are present, the plan not only should include the layout visuals but also the animation example or reference. Students can build their animation or user-reference animation to demonstrate the intended idea.

  • Walkthrough Video presenting the plan and showing the animation examples and/or references.
  • Online posts in your E-portfolio as your reflective studies with links to any resource involved in the creating of the plan. (i.e.: Figma link, Miro link, etc.)


Figure 1.3 Week 8 (12/11/2024) Figma prototype link.

Figure 1.4 Week 8 (12/11/2024) Figma link.

Figure 1.5 Week 8 (12/11/2024) Video presentation.

Final Project_Thematic Interactive Website

Students will synthesise the knowledge gained in task 1, 2 and 3 for application in task 4. Students will create integrate visual asset and refine the prototype into a complete working and functional product experience.




I learned a lot about creating a website using Adobe Animate thanks to Mr. Shamsul's guidance. He taught us patiently, and at first, I was unsure if I could make my website as accurate as my prototype. However, I found that the final outcome was even better than my prototype. I did encounter some errors while using Adobe Animate, such as frames disappearing and some buttons not working, but I'm glad I was able to finish everything on time.


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