Advanced Interactive Design [Task 1 : Thematic Interactive Website Proposal]

  24.09.2024 - 15.10.2024  / week 1 - week 4

Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Advanced Interactive Design

Task 1

1. Lectures
2. Instructions
3. Feedback
4. Reflection


Figure 2.1 Week 1 (24/09/2024) Module Information Booklet.

Thematic Interactive Website Proposal for Brand Engagement. A thematic interactive website is a website that focuses on a specific theme or concept with the aim of incorporating interactive elements to interact with users. Most such websites utilize multimedia such as videos, animations, interactive graphics displayed on the page, or other clickable elements which have interactive components that provoke the user. 

Students are required to create a thematic interactive website proposal with the topic of their choice that can be based on:

1.     A specific product of a particular brand launch/special (i.e.: Nike brand new shoe), Beauty product launch (i.e.: Sephora compact powder,
2.     Movie promotion
3.     Game release promotion.
4.     Gallery/Museum exhibit launch
5.     Band/Artist latest release.

  • Ideas
1. Silent Hill 2 remake game release
2. Nosferatu movie 
3. Ilia Makeup set
4. Slowdive 2024 tour
5. Star wars outlaws game release

1.1 Ideas Proposal

Figure 2.2 Week 2 (01/10/2024) Ideas proposal ppt.

Most of my ideas are the newest releases of certain media. I was actually looking forward to doing Silent Hill because it's my favorite game right now. However, after asking for feedback from Mr. Shamsul, he suggested that I go with the "Ilia" makeup set. This is understandable because this module focuses on the animation elements. By doing the makeup set idea, I can better think of the design layout.
Figure 2.3 Week 4 (15/10/2024) Lilia website.

Ilia already has its own website, so I'd like to center my attention on their makeup set, particularly the essential one. Their chic branding is perfect for people who appreciate clean makeup. The packaging has a captivating artistic texture that looks like it could be created using watercolors. It's this unique packaging that has inspired me to create a thematic website around it.

Figure 2.4 Week 4 (15/10/2024) Ilia's essential set.

1.2 Final Proposal

Figure 2.5 Week 4 (15/10/2024) Final proposal ppt.


Week 3
  • Specific feedback: Implementing the Silent Hill idea may be difficult because it requires a deep understanding of the player's perspective in order to effectively create the content.


To effectively work on my project, I need to focus on something that truly interests me. I believe this module will be quite challenging, so choosing a theme I am passionate about will motivate me more. I envision creating an animated thematic website for my project.


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