Typography [Final Compilation & Reflection]
09.26.2023 - 12.25.2023 / week 1 - week 14
Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative MediaTypography
[Task 1: Exercises]
Font/s: Futura Std Book & Heavy
Type Size/s: 72 pt
Leading: 22 pt
Paragraph spacing: 0 mm
Type Size/s: 9 pt
Leading: 11 pt
Paragraph spacing: 0 mm
Characters per line: 69
Alignment: Left alignment
Columns: 2
Gutter: 5 mm
Task 2 [Type Formatting and Expression]
Font/s: Futura Std Book
Type Size/s: 100 pt, 44 pt, 27 pt, 25 pt
Leading: 120 pt, 52.8 pt, 32.4 pt, 30 pt
Paragraph spacing: 0 mm
Type Size/s: 9.75 pt
Leading: 12 pt
Paragraph spacing: 0 mm
Characters per line: 40 - 47
Alignment: Justified (Left side)
Columns: 3
Gutter: 5 mm
[Task 3: Type Design and Communication]
By compiling my learning processes in an e-portfolio, I can track my personal growth over time and more easily track and showcase my achievements and personal reflections. I typically use a notebook to record my observations and keep track of things. Still, since an e-portfolio is so simple to share and access, I find it convenient to have my digital portfolio with me. In typography, the words, typeface, and font you require are already there; our responsibility is to imaginatively design the existing words. I think I approach typography differently now that I've completed the previous tasks and exercises.
I became aware of how typefaces can affect a design's overall visual appearance as I learned more about typography. The tone of a design can be significantly altered by the typeface selection. I've learned how to use typography to make effective designs by comprehending its fundamentals and putting them into practice in my work. For the last assignment for this semester, I had to decide on the aesthetics and visual style of my typeface. This entailed creating and attempting to develop a new version of my font. The final task combines knowledge of typography, design, and application from earlier, and work that demanded more attention to detail.
The thing that most intrigued me was that grades and
feedback don't reveal our creativity; rather, feedback tells us about our
performance and outcomes, helps us evaluate our strengths and shortcomings, and
helps us identify areas for improvement. Since I get to learn from my mistakes,
this has helped me pinpoint areas where I can get better and modify my
strategy. Most significantly, feedback gives me insight into how other people
view me and my work. By getting feedback from others, I can learn how my work
is perceived. Creating multiple options and multiple sketches for the
design instead of just one would enable me to better visualize what I needed to
Based on the feedback that I got since week 1 It is
generally preferred to have simpler text formatting because it is easier to
read and more aesthetically pleasing. Simple typography also makes the text
easier to comprehend quickly. because it makes the text more adaptive and
flexible. I also learned that kerning is a crucial component that can
significantly affect a design's overall appearance when it comes to typography.
The text can be easier to read and comprehend with proper kerning. Finally,
hierarchy is another facet of typography that I believe is crucial. For
typography to be effective, readers must comprehend the text.
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