Illustration & visual narrative - [FINAL PROJECT] - Self Titled

11.15.2023 - 12.05.2023 / Week 10 - Week 14

Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Illustration & visual narrative

Final Project



Figure 1.1 Week 10 (11/15/2023) Module Information.

Your final task consists of integrating the challenges from 3 different modules;

  • Weave a related motive (IVN) through the font and self-portrait. This motive should convey a narrative or theme that reflects your personal or artistic identity.
  • Experiment with typography and layout to integrate the motive seamlessly with your font and self-portrait.
  • Ensure the visual narrative created supports the overall message of your poster.

In your final task, you will bring together the knowledge and skills acquired from three different modules: Typography, Illustration & Visual Narrative, and Digital Imaging & Photography. Your goal is to create an integrated poster that showcases your abilities in each of these areas. You will use a custom font you've created (Typo), incorporate a self-portrait (DIP), and weave a related motive (IVN) through the font and image, resulting in a visually compelling and conceptually rich poster. Typography; Illustration & Visual Narrative; and Digital Imaging & Photography. 

You will use the font created (Typo) in a poster that features your self-portrait (DIP), and you will weave a related motive (IVN) through the font and image.

Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
  • Effective integration of Typography, Illustration & Visual Narrative, and Digital Imaging & Photography concepts.
  • Creativity in weaving the related motive into the font and self-portrait.
  • Visual impact and quality of the self-portrait.
  • Typography and layout design.
  • Artist rationale and presentation in the e-learning portfolio.

1.1   Progress

1. Idea Development

  • Biography
My name is Sheryne, I’m 18 years old, and I’m from Indonesia. I like to read (I’m a slow reader), listen to music, and watch underground movies.

Paragraph 1
I started drawing when I was 5 years old, I've always loved cartoons and every aspect of making a cartoon. Gradually, as I grew up I started to think about what I wanted to do with my career and the purpose of my life, the only thing I found myself good or happy about was art.

Paragraph 2
When I was 15, I started to get into music and painting, I realized then, that art is extensive, and yet we live a short life to not able to learn and appreciate every form of art. I started to get a liking for photography, taking pictures with composition, and appreciating the little things in the pictures that I shot. Then I started to get into literature and films, I have a dream of widening my knowledge about the beauty of art and other media.

 I grew up with art and my passion for it.

  • Rationale

I want to challenge myself to make my poster symbolic in a philosophical way because I thought it would be an interesting aspect of self-identity and exploration. I did some research from my favorite authors about self-identity to get inspiration from them. I started digging for more info about Franz Kafka (1883–1924) he was a German-speaking Bohemian writer, known and regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. There was a quote that revolved around the author's isolation from real life and writing. The quote is an interpretation inspired by Kafka's themes of solitude and self-exploration.

"Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself."

To me, this quote doesn't revolve only around writing but with another form of art as well.

I will use the quote for my poster but change it to "Descending into one's inner abyss." So, how will I be able to reconstruct this quote very well for my poster? what are the things that could symbolize isolation and self-identity together?

To answer that here are the things that I could think of:

  1. A mirror that reflects the other's reflection
  2. A figure that represents the other.
  3. The subject (me) breaks the 4th wall, by looking at the viewer.

To help visualize the idea I have in my mind, I made a mood board and sketches, here:

  • Moodboard
Figure 1.2 Week 10 (11/15/2023) Moodboard.

2. Design Direction

  • Sketches
Figure 1.3 Week 10 (11/15/2023) #1 sketch.

Figure 1.4 Week 10 (11/15/2023) #2 Sketch.

  • Both #1 and #2 reflect the text quote pretty well, but there is one problem. I realized that the pictures looked like they would fit as a book or comic cover rather than as a poster. Perhaps it's because of the lack of dynamic and too many negative spaces.
  • After some thought, I will go with the #1 sketch, using a mirror and reflection. I made another sketch that would fit more as a poster, using a simple composition.
Figure 1.5 Week 10 (11/15/2023) Final Sketch.
  • Notice that I changed the quote to be shorter. From "Descending into one's inner abyss." to "Inner abyss." Because a poster is supposed to have a short text with a lot of messages.

  • Digital poster progress

Figure 1.6 Week 11 (11/22/2023) Digital progress #1.

The photo was taken in my apartment's bathroom with the help of my friend (thankiess ^^!!) 
I edited the photo to have more contrast with the lighting. 

Figure 1.7 Week 11 (11/22/2023) Digital progress #2.

Figure 1.8 Week 11 (11/22/2023) Digital progress #3.

Figure 1.9 Week 12 (11/22/2023) Digital progress #4.

Figure 1.10 Week 12 (11/22/2023) Digital progress #5.

Figure 1.11 Week 12 (11/22/2023) Digital progress #6.

Figure 1.12 Week 12 (11/22/2023) Digital progress #7.

Figure 1.13 Week 13 (11/29/2023) Digital progress #8.

Figure 1.14 Week 13 (11/29/2023) Digital progress #9.

Figure 1.15 Week 13 (11/29/2023) Digital progress #10.

1.2 Final Result

  • Poster
Title: Inner Abyss
Figure 1.16 Week 14 (12/05/2023) Final result (PNG).

Figure 1.17 Week 14 (12/05/2023) Final result (Pdf).

  • Animation
Figure 1.18 Week 14 (12/05/2023) Final result (Animation .Mp4).



The most difficult thing in this project was how I was able to reconstruct the idea of my identity into a poster, I actually learned something new about myself when doing this project, I learned dependently how to use digital software (Adobe Illustration, Photoshop, and After Effects). 
Making a poster that explores and expresses my sense of self can be a developing experience. focusing on self-identity creates originality and helps to produce work that is sincere because it is based on my viewpoint and experience.


Before starting to actually create the work, I learned how important it is to start a project with sketches and mood boards. Mood boards act as a visual reference and guide to the overall vibe of my work and as a source of inspiration. Sketching allows me to visually explore different ideas, concepts, and compositions. It encourages a more dynamic and creative process by pushing experimentation for my work.


I learned how to organize and present my personal narratives in new ways. This could entail experimenting with metaphor, symbolism, or narrative techniques to express my viewpoints and experiences.


Week 11 11.22.2023

General Feedback, explore every technique (distort, wrap, scale, and texture) to make the font and artwork fit together because it is a poster. 
Specific Feedback, after showing my sketch and mood board to Mr. Hafiz,  he said that my artwork has a lot of negative spaces, so he advised me to add more illustration elements. These are the examples that he gave to me: 
Figure 2.1 Week 11 (11/22/2023) References #1.

Figure 2.2 Week 11 (11/22/2023) References #2.

Links for every task
-Task 1  


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