Video & Sound Production [Project 1]

16.05.2024 - 23.05.2024  / week 4 - week 5

Sheryne Axellia Putri / 0367267 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Video & Sound Production

Project 1

1. Lectures
2. Instructions
3. Reflection


Week 4  16.05.2024_Audio Editing Exercise

The are 2 types of sound effects:

1. Hard Sound effects: Specific sounds that are added to a film to enhance a particular action or event, such as a door creaking, glass breaking, or a gunshot.

2. Ambient effects: Background noise in a film, such as traffic, wind, or crowd noise, that helps to create a sense of environment and atmosphere.


Figure 1.1 Week 4 (16/05/2023) Module Information Booklet.

Week 4  16.05.2024_Audio Editing Exercise 
  • Project 1 EXERCISE 1: Audio Dubbing

The mixing of sound elements below creates an audio setting that supports the action and engages the spectators.

1. Speech/ Dialogue

2. Sound effects

3. However, music is not required for this exercise.

4. Place audio files on the timeline, and sync them with video.
5. Audio track: 
3 tracks for dialogue, one character one track. 
4 tracks for sound effects, 
3 tracks for ambiance sound.
6. Edit voice from female to male, male to female, human to cute animal/adult to kid: Premiere Pro → Audio Effects → Pitch Shifter → Semi tones. 
7. Volume: Dialogue: between -6dB & -12dB, Ambience: below -20dB, Hard sound effects: Depend.)

1.1 Progress

As instructed, these are the audio tracks that I made for placing the audio.

Figure 1.2 Week 4 (16/05/2023) Progress #1.

For the woman's voice, I edited it only to 1 semi-tone higher, because the woman in the film, Evelyn is a middle-aged woman, so I think it's fitting not to make her voice that high. For the granny, I didn't change anything, I used my original voice (I can't do old people's voices sorry). For the man, since my voice is not that low and rough so I edited it to -2 semi-tone lower.

Figure 1.3 Week 4 (16/05/2023) Progress #2.

Placing the sound effects, ambiance, my recorded voice, etc.

Figure 1.4 Week 4 (16/05/2023) Progress #3.

Editing the volume of the hard sound effects.

Figure 1.5 Week 4 (16/05/2023) Progress #4.

1.2 Final Outcome

Figure 1.6 Week 4 (16/05/2023) Audio dubbing finished result.

Figure 1.7 Week 4 (16/05/2023) Audio dubbing slide link.


This is the first time I have had to use my own voice as a dub, it was awkward at first, as I did many retakes to make sure the quality of my voice is clear. The lip movements of the actors can often be noticeable in the dubbed version, so I have to be sure to adjust the dialogue accordingly.

Synching the video with the audio refers to the process of aligning the audio track with the mouth movements of people on screen. This is a critical step in the dubbing process, as any discrepancies between the timing of the audio and visual can result in awkward dubbing which takes significant time to correct.

The quality of the dubs can be heavily influenced by the audio mixing. I need to balance the volume levels of the voices, music, and sound effects, while also ensuring that the dialogue is clear and understandable.


Week 4  16.05.2024

General Feedback, to have a clear recording of your own voice make sure you are recording in an empty room with no people around.  


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